- Anchorage, Alaska
- [email protected]
- 907-929-FISH

My name is Barry Jenkins.
I grew up in AZ fishing Bass tournaments in the SW part of United States. Visited Alaska and fell in love with with it.
I’ve hosted so many people from the lower 48 states, showing them what a beautiful place Alaska is, and took them fishing so much, I decided to do it on a professional level.
Get a unique feeling
Discover Alaskan Fishing Adventures
We take care of all fishing needs, day trip bookings, all in state travel, lodging and help with fish packing.

“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than those you did. So throw off the bowlines.”
Shirley Mitchell
- Kenai River
- Seward AK
- Ship Creek
- Whittier(Prince William Sound)
- Gulkana River
- Klutina River
- Valdez AK.
- Russian River